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The Signing Ceremony of “JNU-HAP Job Research Center for Human Resource Management” Held

source:   Author and Photographer: Ren Hualiang     time: 2021-03-22    Hits:

On the afternoon of March 19, signing and unveiling ceremony for the JNU-HAP Job Research Center for Human Resource Management established by Jiangnan University and JAP Job was held at Room 116 of School of Business at JNU. Present was Li Bo, deputy director of Wuxi Bureau of Human Resources and Social Affairs, Zhang Yi, deputy director of Xinwu District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Affairs, Xu Dazeng, chairman of Wuxi Human Resources Association, Jiang Dan, president of HAP Job, and Pu Xujin, director of Social Science Department of JNU, Lu Qin, deputy director of the Human Resources Department of JNU, and Zhu Jinwei, director of Wuxi Research Base for Human Resources Development. The ceremony was presided over by Qian Wuyong, vice dean of the School of Business of JNU.

At the unveiling ceremony, Pu Xujin introduced the development of humanities and social sciences at JNU, fully affirmed the early achievements of the Wuxi Research Base for Human Resources Development, and praised the "Jiangnan University-Huijiabo Human Resources Management Research Center" Congratulations on its establishment. He hoped to strengthen university-enterprise cooperation through the JNU-HAP Job Research Center for Human Resource Management.

Jiang Dan gave an overview of HAP Job and pointed out the JNU-HAP Job Research Center for Human Resource Management will contribute to cooperation between the two parties and the development of human resources in the service sector. Zhu Jinwei introduced the Wuxi Research Base for Human Resources Development and its research achievement. He also detailed the development directions and key tasks of the Center.

Zhu Jinwei expressed that the Base would work with HAP Job to set the direction and trends of human resource management in Wuxi and build a human resource management think tank.

After that, Zhu Jinwei and Jiang Dan signed the Technical Service Contract for University-Enterprise Cooperation on Human Resource Management. Pu Xujin and Jiang Dan unveiled the JNU-HAP Job Research Center for Human Resource Management.

The establishment of the Center marks a new chapter in the university-enterprise cooperation between JNU and HAP Job. The two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation on research into human resource management to achieve a new win-win situation and improve the human resources market in Wuxi.

Vice President Qian Wuyong

Director Pu Xujin gave a speech.

Chairman Jiang Dan gave a speech.

Professor Zhu Jinwei gave a speech.

The Signing and Unveiling Ceremony