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Professor Lefa Teng and his Team Published Paper on Management World

source:   Author: Han Xiaodong     time: 2020-06-09    Hits:

Teng Lefa, Wu Yuanyuan, and Li Feng of the School of Business published a long paper titled Is the more immersed the better?: The Dual Impact of Consumer Immersion in Brand Experience on Issue 6 of Management World in 2020. It explores the relationship between consumer immersion in brand experience and brand experience marketing. It found that the degree of immersion positively affects consumers’ enjoyment in brand activities, thereby increasing their attitudes towards brand activities and the brand itself. However, the degree of immersion has a negative impact on consumers’ brand recognition and therefore prevents improvement of consumers’ brand attitudes. The article also sheds light on the differences in brand experience immersion behavior of consumers with different thinking (abstract vs. concrete).

Management World is among the first academic journals recognized by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, and the first key journals approved by the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Office to be funded by National Social Science Foundation. It is a top-notched journal in China.

The Brand Strategy and Management Innovation Research Base, a key research base of philosophy and social sciences of Jiangsu led by Professor Teng Lefa, is committed to the study of brand strategy and management innovation theory for internationalization. It undertook key programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2019-2023) and major programs of Social Science Founation of Jiangsu (2016-2019). Professor Lefa Teng has published papers in top international/famous academic journals (such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising Research, etc.). He was the Executive Chairman of three sessions of the International Marketing, International Advertising and Branding Conference. The publication of a paper on the Management World is another major breakthrough for JNU.