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Regulations for Students in General Higher Education Institutions

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Chapter I General Provisions


Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the education law, the higher education law and other relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of standardizing the students' management behavior, maintaining the normal order of education and teaching and the order of life, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the students, and cultivating one of the builders and successors of the society with all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic fields.


Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the administration of general institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions (hereinafter referred to as schools) that undertake the task of graduate education to graduate students and undergraduate and Junior College (Higher Vocational) students (hereinafter referred to as students) who receive general higher education for academic qualifications.


Article 3 The school should adhere to the socialist direction of running a school, adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, and fully implement the national education policy. It should adhere to the principle of Building Morality and cultivating people, with the education of ideals and beliefs as the core, cultivate and practice the socialist core values, carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, and cultivate students' sense of social responsibility and innovation spirit And practical ability; we should adhere to the rule of law, scientific management, improve and perfect management system, standardize management behavior, combine management and education, and constantly improve management and service level.


Article 4 Students should support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, study hard Marx Lenin doctrine, Mao Zedong thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, study the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and new ideas and Strategies of governing the country and China, strengthen the confidence of China's socialistic road, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence, cultural self-confidence, and establish a China featured society. We should set up patriotism, have the spirit of unity, peace loving, hard work, courage and self-improvement, strengthen the concept of the rule of law, abide by the constitution, laws and regulations, abide by the moral norms of citizens, abide by the school management system, and have good moral quality and behavior habits. We should study hard, dare to explore, actively practice and work hard To master modern scientific and cultural knowledge and professional skills, we should actively exercise, improve physical and mental health, improve personal accomplishment and cultivate aesthetic taste.


Article 5 in the implementation of student management, the legitimate rights of students shall be respected and protected, and students shall be educated and guided to undertake their due obligations and responsibilities, and students shall be encouraged and supported to implement self-management, self-service, self-education and self supervision.


Chapter II Rights and obligations of students


Article 6 students shall enjoy the following rights in accordance with the law during their schooling:

1)      Participate in all activities arranged by the school's education and teaching plan, and use the education and teaching resources provided by the school;

2)      Participate in social service, voluntary service, work study, entertainment, sports, scientific and technological cultural innovation and other activities, and obtain employment and entrepreneurship guidance and services;

3)      Apply for scholarships, Bursaries and student loans;

4)      Get fair evaluation in Ideological and moral character, academic achievements, etc., and obtain corresponding academic certificate and degree certificate after completing the school's prescribed studies;

5)      Organize and participate in student organizations in the school, participate in the school management in an appropriate way, and have the right to know, participate, express and supervise the affairs related to the rights and interests of the school and students;

6)      If there is any objection to the punishment or handling given by the school, appeal to the school or the education administrative department, appeal to the school or the teaching staff for infringing their personal rights, property rights and other legitimate rights and interests, or file a lawsuit according to law;

7)      Other rights stipulated by laws and regulations.


Article 7 students shall perform the following obligations in accordance with the law during their schooling:

1)      Abide by the constitution, laws and regulations;

2)      Abide by the school management system;

3)      Study hard and complete required studies;

4)      Pay tuition fees and related fees according to regulations, and fulfill corresponding obligations of obtaining loan and scholarship;

5)      Abide by the students' code of conduct, respect teachers, develop good ideological and moral character and behavior habits;

6)      Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations.

Chapter III student status management


Section 1 enrollment and registration


Article 8 new students admitted in accordance with the regulations of the state on enrollment shall go through the enrollment procedures at the university with the admission notice and in accordance with the relevant requirements and prescribed time limit of the University. If you are unable to enroll as scheduled for any reason, you should ask for leave from school. Those who do not ask for leave or ask for leave beyond the time limit shall be deemed to have given up their admission qualification except for legitimate reasons such as force majeure.


Article 9 a school shall, at the time of registration, conduct a preliminary examination of the freshmen's academic qualifications, handle the enrollment formalities if they pass the examination, and register their student status; if it finds that the admission notice, examinee information and other supporting materials of the freshmen do not conform to its actual situation, or there are other circumstances in violation of the provisions of the national enrollment examination, the school shall be disqualified.


Article 10 new students may apply for retention of admission qualifications. There is no student status during the period of retention of admission qualification. The conditions and time limit for retaining the admission qualification shall be stipulated by the University.

New students shall apply to the school for enrollment before the expiration of their retention of enrollment qualification. After passing the school's examination, they shall go through the enrollment procedures. If they fail to pass the examination, they shall be disqualified. If they fail to go through the enrollment procedures within the time limit and there are no legitimate reasons for delay due to force majeure, they shall be deemed to have given up their enrollment qualification.


Article 11 after a student enters the school, the school shall, within three months, carry out reexamination in accordance with the provisions of the state on enrollment. The review mainly includes the following aspects:

1)      Whether the admission procedures and procedures conform to the national admission regulations;

2)      Whether the admission qualification obtained is true and in line with relevant regulations;

3)      Whether the identity certificate is consistent with the admission notice and the examinee's files;

4)      Whether the physical and mental health status meets the physical examination requirements of the major or major category, and whether the normal study and life at school can be guaranteed:

5)      Whether the professional level of art, sports and other special types of students meets the admission requirements.

In the reexamination, if it is found that the students have fraud, favoritism and other situations, it shall be determined that the reexamination is unqualified, and the student status shall be cancelled; if the circumstances are serious, the school shall transfer it to the relevant departments for investigation and handling.

In the reexamination, if it is found that the physical and mental condition of the students is not suitable for school study, and they need to recuperate at home after being diagnosed by a hospital at or above the second grade a designated by the school, they may retain their admission qualifications in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.

The school shall prescribe the procedures and methods for reexamination.


Article 12 at the beginning of each semester, students shall go through the registration procedures according to the regulations of the University. In case of failure to register as scheduled, the registration suspension procedures shall be performed. Those who fail to pay tuition fees in accordance with the regulations of the university or fail to meet other requirements for registration shall not be registered.

Students with family financial difficulties may apply for student loans or other forms of financial assistance, and register after going through the relevant formalities.

Schools shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, provide educational assistance to students with family financial difficulties, improve the student funding system, and ensure that students do not give up their studies because of family financial difficulties.


Section 2 assessment and record of achievements


Article 13 students shall participate in the examination of courses and various links of education and teaching (hereinafter referred to as courses) specified in the school's education and teaching plan, and the examination results shall be recorded in the score book and included in the student status file.

There are two types of examination: examination and examination. The way of assessment and performance evaluation, as well as whether the courses that fail to pass the assessment are to be retaken or retaken, shall be prescribed by the school.


Article 14 the assessment and appraisal of students' Ideological and moral character shall be based on Article 4 of these Provisions, and shall be conducted in the form of personal summary and democratic evaluation of teachers and students.

The process management should be emphasized in the evaluation of students' physical performance, which can be comprehensively evaluated according to attendance, in class teaching, extracurricular exercise activities and physical health.


Article 15 the requirements for the courses to be taken or the grades to be taken and the requirements for promotion, skipping, repetition and demotion shall be prescribed by the University.


Article 16 students may, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the University, apply for supplementary courses in other specialties or take courses in other specialties; they may apply for Cross University supplementary courses or study courses and participate in open online courses recognized by the University. The course scores (credits) taken by the students shall be recognized after being approved by the school.


Article 17 students' experiences and achievements related to professional study and academic requirements, such as participating in activities such as innovation and entrepreneurship, social practice, publishing papers, obtaining patent authorization, can be converted into credits and included in academic achievements. The specific measures shall be prescribed by the school.

Schools shall encourage, support and guide students to participate in social practice, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and may establish innovation and entrepreneurship archives and credit.


Article 18 the school shall improve the management system of students' academic achievements and School Roll Archives, record and issue students' academic achievements truthfully and completely, and mark the achievements obtained through the supplementary examination and re education.

If a student seriously violates the examination discipline or cheats, the examination result of the course shall be recorded as invalid, and corresponding disciplinary punishment shall be given according to the circumstances of the violation or cheating. Those who are given warning, serious warning, demerit recording and stay in school for observation may be given a chance to make-up examination or re study the course if they perform well in education.

Students who are suspended due to dropout and other circumstances shall be recorded for the courses they have taken and credits they have obtained during their study in school. If a student re attends the entrance examination, meets the admission conditions and re enters the school, he or she has obtained credits, which may be recognized by the admission school. The school shall prescribe the specific measures.


Article 19 students shall participate in the activities specified in the education and teaching plan on time. Those who are unable to attend on time shall ask for leave in advance and obtain approval. In case of absence without reason, criticism and education shall be given in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school. In case of serious circumstances, corresponding disciplinary sanctions shall be given.


Article 20 schools shall carry out the education of students' honesty and credit, record students' honesty and credit information in their studies, learning, conduct and other aspects in an appropriate way, and establish a restraint and disciplinary mechanism for dishonesty; for serious dishonesty, corresponding disciplinary sanctions may be prescribed, and for those who violate academic honesty, restrictions may be imposed on their access to academic degrees, academic titles and honors.


Section 3 transfer of major and study


Article 21 students who are interested in and specialize in other majors during their study may apply for changing majors; students who are admitted in the form of special enrollment shall not be allowed to change majors if there are relevant regulations of the state or there are clear agreements with the school before admission.

Schools shall formulate specific measures for students to transfer their majors, establish fair and just standards and procedures, and improve the publicity system. If the university needs to adjust its major appropriately according to the development and change of the society's demand for talents, it shall allow the students in school to transfer to other relevant majors.

The University shall give priority to those students who need to change their majors due to their own circumstances.


Article 22 students shall, in general, complete their studies in the school to which they are admitted. Due to illness, special difficulties and special needs, those who are unable to continue their studies in the school or do not meet the requirements of the school may apply for transfer. No transfer is allowed under any of the following circumstances:

1)      One semester before enrollment or one year before graduation;

2)      The score of college entrance examination is lower than that of the corresponding year in the same place of origin of the students to be transferred to the relevant majors of the school;

3)      From the low level to the high level;

4)      Enrolling students through targeted employment;

5)      The admission control standard of the graduate students to be transferred to the school or major is higher than that of the school or major in which they belong;

6)      There is no proper reason for transfer.

If a student needs to transfer to another school for reasons other than his / her own, such as the change of the school's training conditions, the school shall issue a certificate, and the provincial education administrative department shall coordinate the transfer to the school at the same level.


Article 23 when a student transfers to another school, he / she shall apply for the transfer and explain the reasons. With the consent of his / her school and the school to be transferred, the school to be transferred shall be responsible for examining the transfer conditions and relevant certificates. If he / she considers that the transfer meets the training requirements of the school and the school has the training ability, he / she can transfer to another school after being studied and determined by the president's office meeting or special meeting of the school. The transfer of postgraduates should also be approved by the tutor who plans to transfer to the major.

In case of transfer from one province to another, the provincial education administrative department in the place of transfer shall negotiate with the provincial education administrative department in the place of transfer, and handle the transfer formalities after confirming the transfer conditions. If the registered permanent residence has to be transferred, the provincial education administrative department of the transferred place shall send a copy of the relevant documents to the public security organ of the place where the transferred school is located.


Article 24 a school shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, establish and improve specific measures for transfer of students; the transfer shall be publicized in a timely manner, and within three months after the transfer is completed, the transferred school shall report to the local provincial education administrative department for the record.

The provincial education administrative department shall strengthen the supervision and management of school transfer behavior in the region, and timely correct the illegal transfer behavior.


Section 4 suspension and resumption


Article 25 students may complete their studies in stages. Unless otherwise specified, they shall complete their studies within the maximum number of years of study (including suspension and retention of student status) specified by the school.

If a student applies for suspension or the school considers it necessary, he may be suspended with the approval of the school. The school shall determine the number and duration of school suspension.


Article 26 schools may, according to the circumstances, establish and implement flexible learning systems. For students who are suspended from school to start their own businesses, the maximum length of study can be specified separately, and the approval procedure for suspension can be simplified.


Article 27 new students and students in school shall be recruited to join the Chinese people's Liberation Army (including the Chinese people's Armed Police Force), and the school shall retain their academic qualifications or status until two years after retirement.

Students take part in the Cross School joint training program organized by the school. During the period of study in the joint training school, the school reserves the student status for them at the same time.

During the period of student status retention, students should establish management relationship with their actual troops, schools and other organizations.


Article 28 students who are out of school shall go through the formalities for leaving the school. During the period of suspension, the school shall retain the student status for them, but shall not enjoy the treatment of students in school. Medical expenses of students who are out of school due to illness shall be handled according to relevant national and local regulations.


Article 29 before the expiration of the period of suspension, students shall apply for resumption of school within the time limit prescribed by the school, and can resume school only after passing the reexamination by the school.


Section 5 drop out


Article 30 under any of the following circumstances, the school may withdraw from school:

1)      Failing to meet the requirements of the school or failing to complete their studies within the period of study prescribed by the school;

2)      Failing to apply for resumption within the time limit prescribed by the university or failing to pass the reexamination after application for resumption upon expiration of suspension or retention of school status;

3)      Those who, according to the diagnosis of the hospital designated by the school, are unable to continue their studies in the school due to illness or accidental disability;

4)      Failing to participate in the teaching activities prescribed by the school for two consecutive weeks without approval;

5)      Failing to register within the time limit prescribed by the school and failing to fulfill the procedures for suspension of registration;

6)      Other circumstances stipulated by the school that students cannot complete their studies and should be dropped out of school.

If the student applies for dropping out, he / she shall go through the formalities of dropping out after being examined and approved by the school.


Article 31 students who have dropped out of school shall go through the formalities of dropping out according to the time limit prescribed by the school. Graduate students who have dropped out of school and can be employed according to the existing graduation degree and employment policy shall be reported by the university to the local provincial graduate employment department for relevant formalities; if there is no employing unit within the time limit prescribed by the University, they shall go through the formalities of dropping out of school.

The files of the students who have dropped out shall be returned by the school to the place where their families are located, and their registered permanent residence shall be transferred back to the original registered permanent residence or the place where their families are registered according to the relevant provisions of the state.


Section 6 graduation


Article 32 If a student has completed the contents specified in the education and teaching plan within the period of study prescribed by the school and has achieved the requirements for graduation, the school shall approve the graduation and issue a graduation certificate before the student leaves the school.

If the conditions for conferring a degree are met, the conferring unit shall issue a degree certificate.

Students can apply for early graduation if they have completed the contents stipulated in the education and teaching plan in advance and obtained the credits required for graduation. The conditions for students to graduate in advance shall be prescribed by the University.


Article 33 If a student has completed the contents of the education and teaching plan within the period of study prescribed by the school, but fails to meet the requirements for graduation of the school, the school may approve the completion of the course and issue a certificate of completion.

After graduation, the University shall determine whether it can make up for the examination, re-examination or make up for the graduation project, thesis and defense, and whether it can issue the graduation certificate and degree certificate. The graduation certificate and degree certificate issued after passing the examination shall be filled in according to the date of issuance.

For students who have dropped out of school, the school shall issue a certificate of four trades or a written study certificate.


Section 7 management of academic certificates


Article 34 a school shall fill in and issue academic certificates, degree certificates and other academic certificates in strict accordance with the type of school running and the form of study determined at the time of enrollment and the personal information filled in at the time of enrollment.

If a student changes his / her name, date of birth or other personal information to be filled in during his / her schooling, he / she shall have reasonable and sufficient reasons, and shall provide corresponding supporting documents with legal effect. If a school needs the assistance of the provincial administrative department of education and other relevant departments in the place where the students come from to carry out the examination, the relevant departments shall cooperate.


Article 35 The University shall implement the management system of electronic registration of students' academic qualifications in higher education, improve the management method of information of students' academic qualifications, and complete the electronic registration of students' academic qualifications in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations.


Article 36 the school shall issue a certificate of minor to the students who have completed their studies in this major and have completed the minor courses in other major and have met the requirements for the minor courses in this major.


Article 37 If a university obtains the qualification or status of a student in violation of the regulations of the state on enrollment of students, it shall cancel its status of a student and shall not issue a certificate of academic qualifications or a certificate of academic degrees; if it has already issued a certificate of academic qualifications or a certificate of academic degrees, it shall cancel it according to law. The University shall revoke the academic degree certificate or degree certificate obtained by cheating, plagiarism, plagiarism or other improper means.

If the cancelled academic certificate or academic degree certificate has been registered, the University shall cancel it and report it to the administrative department of education for invalidation.


Article 38 in case of loss or damage of academic certificates and degree certificates, the school shall issue corresponding certificates after the application and verification by the school itself. The certificate has the same effect as the original certificate.


Chapter IV campus order and extracurricular activities


Article 39 schools and students shall jointly maintain the normal order of the campus, guarantee the safety and stability of the school environment, and guarantee the normal study and life of students.


Article 40 a school shall establish and improve the organizational form for students to participate in the management, and support and guarantee students to participate in the management of the school in accordance with the law and the articles of association.


Article 41 students shall consciously abide by the code of ethics of citizens, the school management system, create and maintain a civilized, clean, beautiful and safe learning and living environment, establish the awareness of safety risk prevention and self-protection, and protect their legitimate rights and interests.


Article 42 students shall not have any illegal acts such as drinking, fighting, gambling, drug taking, spreading, duplicating or selling illegal books, periodicals and audio-visual products; they shall not participate in illegal pyramid selling, heresy or feudal superstition activities; they shall not engage in or participate in activities that are harmful to the image of college students or against the public order and good customs.

If a school finds that a student has any illegal act or serious mental illness in the school which may cause harm to others, it may take or assist the relevant departments to take necessary measures according to law.


Article 43 schools shall adhere to the principle of separating education from religion. No organization or individual may conduct religious activities in schools.


Article 44 a school shall establish and improve the system of student congress, provide necessary conditions for the student union and graduate student union to carry out activities, and support them to play a role in student management.

Students can set up and join student organizations in the school. For the establishment of a student organization, a written application shall be submitted in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school, submitted to the school for approval, and the registration and annual inspection system shall be implemented.

Student organizations shall act within the scope of the constitution, laws, regulations and school management system and accept the leadership and management of the school. Students' organizations and personnel outside the school are invited to hold lectures and other activities, which shall be approved by the school.


Article 45 the school advocates and supports students and student organizations to carry out academic, scientific, technological, artistic, recreational and sports activities beneficial to physical and mental health and growth.

Students' extracurricular activities shall not affect the normal education and teaching order and life order of the school.

Students participating in the work study activities shall abide by the laws and regulations, the management system of the school and the employing unit, and fulfill the relevant agreements of the work study activities.


Article 46 students who hold large-scale assemblies, processions, demonstrations and other activities shall obtain approval in accordance with legal procedures and relevant provisions. Schools shall dissuade or stop those who have not been approved according to law.


Article 47 students shall abide by the relevant regulations of the state and the school on the use of the Internet, shall not log in to the illegal website or disseminate illegal words, audio, video materials, etc., shall not fabricate or disseminate false or harmful information, and shall not attack or invade other computers or mobile communication network systems.


Article 48 schools shall establish and improve the management system of students' accommodation. Students shall abide by the regulations of the school on the management of students' accommodation. Encourage and support students to implement self-management by making conventions.


Chapter V reward and punishment


Article 49 schools, provinces (districts, cities) and the relevant departments of the State shall commend and reward the students who have developed in an all-round way in morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, or who have performed outstanding in Ideological and moral character, academic achievements, scientific and technological creation, sports competitions, literary and art activities, voluntary service and social practice.


Article 50 students may be commended and rewarded in various forms, such as awarding the title of "three good students" or other honorary titles, awarding scholarships, etc., with corresponding spiritual encouragement or material awards.

The University shall establish open, fair and just procedures and regulations, and establish and improve the corresponding selection, publicity and other systems for the recognition and reward of students, and for the determination of the recommended exempt postgraduates, national scholarships, and candidates for studying abroad.


Article 51 the school shall give criticism and education to the students who have violated laws and regulations, the present Provisions and the school's discipline, and shall, depending on the seriousness of the case, give the following disciplinary sanctions:

1)      Warning;

2)      Serious warning;

3)      Demerit recording;

4)      Stay in school for observation;

5)      Expulsion from school.


Article 52 under any of the following circumstances, a student may be expelled from the school:

1)      Violating the constitution, opposing the four basic principles, undermining stability and unity, and disturbing social order;

2)      Violating the laws of the state and constituting a criminal offence;

3)      Being punished by the administration of public security, if the circumstances are serious and of a bad nature;

4)      Taking the place of others or letting others take the place of themselves in the examination, organizing cheating, using communication equipment or other equipment to cheat, selling examination questions or answers to others for profit, and other serious acts of cheating or disturbing the order of the examination;

5)      Academic misconduct such as plagiarism, falsification or forgery exists in academic dissertations or publicly published research results, and the circumstances are serious, or writing or buying and selling theses on behalf of others;

6)      Those who violate these regulations and the regulations of the school and seriously affect the order of education and teaching, the order of life and the order of management in public places;

7)      Infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals and organizations, resulting in serious consequences;

8)      Those who repeatedly violate the regulations of the school and are subject to disciplinary punishment but do not change after education.


Article 53 a school shall issue a written decision on the punishment of a student. The disposition decision shall include the following contents:

1)      Basic information of students;

2)      The facts and evidence of the disposition;

3)      Type, basis and time limit of punishment;

4)      The way and time limit of appeal;

5)      Other necessary contents.


Article 54 in punishing students, schools shall adhere to the combination of education and punishment, and adapt to the nature of students' illegal and disciplinary behaviors and the severity of their faults. The punishment of students by the school shall be based on sufficient evidence, clear basis, accurate nature, proper procedure and appropriate punishment.


Article 55 before making a sanction or other adverse decision on a student, the school shall inform the student of the facts, reasons and basis for making the decision, inform the student that he has the right to make a statement and defend himself, and listen to the student's statement and defense.

The disposition, disposition decision and disposition notice shall be directly delivered to the student himself or herself. If the student refuses to sign for it, it can be delivered by lien; if the student has left the school, it can be delivered by mail; if it is difficult to contact, it can be delivered by public announcement using the school website, news media, etc.


Article 56 If a student is to be disqualified from enrollment, removed from school, or expelled from school, or is to be dealt with or punished in other ways that involve the major interests of the student, the decision shall be submitted to the president's office or a special meeting authorized by the president for study and decision, and the legality shall be examined in advance.


Article 57 in addition to the punishment of expulsion from school, the punishment given to students shall generally be set for a period of 6 to 12 months, which shall be terminated according to the procedures prescribed by the school. After the termination of the punishment, the students will not be affected by the original punishment if they are given commendation, reward and other rights and interests.


Article 58 the school shall truthfully and completely classify the materials for rewarding, handling, punishing and lifting the punishments of the students into the school's document files and their own files.

Students who have been expelled from school shall be issued a study certificate by the school. The students shall leave the school within the time limit prescribed by the school, and the files shall be returned by the school to the place where their families are located, and their household registration shall be transferred back to the place where their original household registration or the place where their family household registration is located in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.


Chapter VI student complaints


Article 59 a school shall set up a student appeal handling committee to accept complaints filed by students who are not satisfied with the decision of handling or punishment.

The student appeal handling Committee shall be composed of the relevant person in charge of the school, the person in charge of the functional department, the representative of the teacher, the representative of the student, the person in charge of the relevant institution in charge of legal affairs, etc., and may invite experts in the field of law, education, etc. outside the school to participate.

Schools shall formulate specific measures for students' appeals, improve the composition and working rules of the Student Appeals handling Committee, and provide necessary conditions to ensure that it can perform its duties objectively and impartially.


Article 60 if a student has any objection to the decision of the school on handling or punishment, he may, within 10 days from the date of receiving the decision of the school on handling or punishment, file a written appeal to the school student appeal handling Committee.


Article 61 the student appeal handling Committee shall review the appeal put forward by the student, and make a review conclusion and inform the complainant within 15 days after receiving the written appeal. If a conclusion cannot be reached within the prescribed time limit due to complicated circumstances, it may be extended for 15 days with the approval of the head of the school. If the student appeal handling committee considers it necessary, it may recommend that the school suspend the implementation of the relevant decision.

After reexamination, if the student appeal handling committee considers that the facts, basis and procedures for handling or punishment are improper, it may make reexamination suggestions for cancellation or change, require relevant functional departments to study them, and submit them to the president's office meeting or special meeting for decision.


Article 62 If a student has any objection to the reexamination decision, he may, within 15 days from the date of receiving the reexamination decision of the school, file a written appeal to the provincial education administrative department where the school is located.

The provincial administrative department of education shall, within 30 working days from the date of receiving a written appeal from a student, deal with the complainant's problems and make a decision.


Article 63 when dealing with a student's complaint brought against the school's decision to handle or punish him, the provincial administrative department of education shall listen to the opinions of the students and the school, and may make necessary investigations as necessary. According to the review conclusion and different situations, the following measures shall be taken respectively:

1)      If the facts are clear, the basis is clear, the nature is accurate, the procedure is proper and the punishment is appropriate, it shall be maintained;

2)      If it is found that the facts do not exist, or the school makes a decision in violation of its authority or the provisions of the superior law, it shall be ordered to cancel the school;

3)      If the facts are clear, but the circumstances are wrong, the nature is not accurate, or the basis for application is wrong, the school shall be ordered to change or make a new decision;

4)      If it is found that the facts are unclear or the evidence is insufficient, or if it violates these provisions and the procedures and authorities prescribed by the school, the school shall be ordered to make a new decision.


Article 64 from the date of service of the decision on handling, punishment or reexamination, if a student fails to file a complaint within the period of appeal, it shall be deemed as abandoning the appeal, and the school or the provincial education administrative department shall no longer accept the appeal.

If the decision on handling, punishment or reexamination fails to inform the student of the time limit for appealing, the time limit for appealing shall be calculated from the date when the student knows or should know the decision on handling or punishment, but the maximum time limit shall not exceed 6 months.


Article 65 students who believe that the school and its staff violate these provisions and infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests, or that the rules and regulations formulated by the school are in conflict with the laws, regulations and these Provisions, may complain to the provincial education administrative department where the school is located.

In the process of supervising or handling complaints and complaints, the competent department of education shall order the school and its staff members to make corrections if they are found to have acts in violation of laws, regulations and these provisions or fail to perform corresponding obligations in accordance with these Provisions, or if the school has formulated relevant management systems and regulations on its own, which infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of students; if they are found to have violations of laws and disciplines, they shall enter in time Conduct investigation and handling or transfer to relevant departments, and investigate the responsibilities of relevant responsible persons in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


Chapter VII supplementary provisions


Article 66 The University shall refer to these Provisions for the administration of the students who receive further education for higher academic qualifications, students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, and international students.

Article 67 a school shall, in accordance with these Provisions, formulate or modify the regulations on student management or disciplinary sanctions of the school, report them to the competent education administrative department for the record (the school affiliated to the central Ministry shall copy and report to the local provincial education administrative department at the same time), and timely announce them to the students.

The provincial education administrative department shall, in accordance with these Provisions, guide, inspect and supervise the student management of institutions of higher learning in the region.


Article 68 these Provisions shall come into force as of September 1, 2017. The original regulations on the administration of students in ordinary colleges and universities (Order No. 21 of the Ministry of Education) shall be repealed at the same time. If the provisions of other relevant documents are inconsistent with these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail.


(Issued by the Ministry of education on February 4, 2017)