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Norms for Undergraduate Teaching Activities in Jiangnan University

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Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 in order to meet the needs of the reform and development of higher education, deepen and consolidate the achievements of the reform, strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, enhance the sense of responsibility of all teachers, stabilize the teaching order, improve the teaching level and the quality of personnel training, and gradually realize the scientization and standardization of the teaching and management work of the whole school, this standard is formulated.

Article 2 teachers should love socialism, be loyal to the people's educational cause, conscientiously fulfill their duties, and complete their work with high quality and efficiency with a rigorous attitude of scholarship and scientific working methods.

Article 3 teachers should conscientiously implement the party's educational policy, attach great importance to the all-round development of students, pay attention to the combination of teaching work and strengthen the ideological education of students; establish the main position of students in teaching thought and give play to the leading role of teachers; not only care about students in an all-round way, understand students, guide students, but also strictly require students, strictly assess and strictly manage them.

Article 4 teachers should abide by disciplines and laws, have a decent style of work, teach and educate people, and act as teachers. They should pay full attention to the role of personal thinking, professional ethics and conduct in teaching students by words and deeds.

Chapter II Main Responsibilities of teaching positions

Article 5 the person in charge of the course (undergraduate course construction post) is one of the main teachers of the course-teaching task, and shall be fully responsible for the course construction, teaching quality and teaching effect. Main responsibilities:

  1. Make this course (or course group) meet the requirements of school level brand courses, or build provincial-level excellent courses, upgrade to one level, or build national level excellent courses, upgrade to two levels;

  2. Be fully responsible for the selection of teaching contents, the construction of teaching staff and practical links of the course (or course group), and the teaching quality of the course;

  3. Make the teaching quality of this course (or course group) reach the average level in Jiangsu Province;

  4. Organize the compilation and production of course syllabus, course introduction, teaching materials, multimedia teaching software, learning guide book, test bank, etc;

  5. Responsible for the selection of assessment methods, examination paper quality inspection, scoring standard formulation, marking arrangement and organization, etc;

  6. Pay attention to the construction of curriculum teachers' echelon, especially the training of young teachers;

  7. Organizing teaching research activities;

  8. Recommend and suggest the dismissal of the course's main teacher and tutor.

Article 6 the teacher in charge of the course shall carry out teaching activities under the organization of the person in charge of the course and be responsible for the teaching quality and effect of the course. Main responsibilities:

  1. Systematically teaching one or more courses, organizing class discussion, guiding practice, social investigation, guiding graduation project (Thesis), graduation practice;

  2. Carefully study and implement talent training programs and syllabus, and select or compile corresponding teaching materials or handouts. According to the requirements of talent training plan and teaching syllabus, make teaching plan, determine teaching schedule and prepare teaching calendar;

  3. Be responsible for organizing and coordinating the mutual cooperation of all teaching links of the course;

  4. Participate in extra-curricular tutoring, answering questions and correcting homework, timely understand students' learning situation, consciously check teaching effect, and constantly improve teaching;

  5. To instruct the tutor and the experimental teacher to do well in the exercise class, the experimental class or direct the students' experiment;

  6. Organize or participate in the assessment of this course, formulate standard answers and scoring standards, test paper review, test paper analysis, score evaluation and submission, submit test summary, test paper sorting and filing, make-up examination, etc;

  7. Be responsible for the teaching summary of this course, focusing on the summary of the teaching reform, the analysis of students' learning, the study of the basic content, key points, difficulties in teaching and the cooperation of various teaching links, and put forward improvement methods and reform opinions.

Article 7 a tutor is a cooperator and assistant of the main teacher, who cooperates with and assists the main teacher in completing the teaching tasks of the course. Main responsibilities:

  1. Understand the contents and requirements of the syllabus and teaching plan, study the contents of teaching materials, and be familiar with the basic theory and operation of the course;

  2. Follow the class, take notes carefully, understand the teaching intention of the teacher, the key points and difficulties of the course, and the cooperation of each teaching link;

  3. Assist the teacher to do a good job of pre class preparation;

  4. Earnestly cooperate with the teacher to do a good job of teaching guidance. Under the guidance of the teacher, do the problem solving according to the regulations, prepare and teach each exercise class and discussion class, and complete the weekly or inter weekly guidance and answer questions;

  5. Be responsible for correcting the homework, recording the students' completion of the homework and scoring;

  6. Be familiar with students' learning situation, guide students to make self-study plans, guide students to master learning rules and scientific learning methods, arrange time reasonably, and improve learning efficiency. Frequently understand students' requirements and opinions on teaching, contact with the teacher in time, and work together to improve teaching;

  7. Assist the lecturer in the course assessment. Be responsible for the examination paper; participate in the examination paper review, evaluation and report of student performance.

Article 8 the experimental guidance teachers shall be responsible for the important task of training students' experimental skills and practical abilities. Main responsibilities:

  1. According to the course syllabus, cooperate with the course group or the lecturer to formulate the experiment syllabus, determine the experiment purpose, requirement, project and schedule, and prepare or select the experiment instruction;

  2. Before the experiment, students should do it one by one according to the experimental instruction, obtain reliable data, analyze the experimental results and make experimental reports. The problems found in the pre-test should be prevented or correctly handled by the students in the experiment;

  3. Before the experiment, the purpose and requirements of the experiment and the use of instruments, operation technology, relevant matters in the experiment and safety knowledge shall be explained to the students, and the preview situation of the students shall be carefully checked. Students who fail to prepare for the experiment shall have the right to stop doing the experiment;

  4. In case of any accident in the experiment, it is necessary to organize troubleshooting in time. Cooperate with the lab to deal with and analyze the cause of the accident. When students damage the instrument, urge them to fill in the instrument damage report form and put forward handling suggestions;

  5. Before and after the experiment, we should cooperate with the laboratory staff to return the instruments and equipment. After the experiment, we should guide the students to sort out the scene. The experiment instructor shall fill in the experiment teaching diary, and report the equipment damage visa:

  6. Students' experimental reports, assessment and record of experimental class results shall be carefully corrected, and students who seriously do not meet the requirements of the experimental reports shall have the right to return and request to redo;

  7. To understand the teaching effect of the experiment, summarize the experience of the experiment teaching in time, and put forward suggestions for the improvement of the experiment content, method and equipment.

Article 9 a teaching practice instructor shall be the organizer and director of the whole teaching practice process, and shall be fully responsible for the quality and effect of teaching practice. Main responsibilities:

  1. According to the talent training objective and talent training plan, formulate the internship outline, determine the internship content, select the internship site, and formulate the specific implementation plan of internship;

  2. Assist the leaders of the college to do a good job in the mobilization of practice, and print out the contents, requirements and arrangements of practice to students;

  3. Be responsible for the specific guidance of students' practice. In the whole process of teaching practice, we should teach and educate people, strictly manage them, and pay attention to the education of practice concept, mass concept, labor concept, organization discipline concept and safety education for students. Pay attention to practice, cultivate the style of students' theoretical connection, improve the quality of practice, and properly deal with various practical problems in practice;

  4. Conscientiously correct the students' practice reports and assignments, and do a good job in the evaluation of students' practice results;

  5. According to the regulations of the school on the expenditure of internship funds, manage and make good use of the internship funds:

  6. The internship summary shall be made carefully and submitted to the college for filing after being reviewed by the director of the Department (Teaching and Research Office).

Article 10 the main responsibilities of a curriculum design instructor are:

  1. According to the teaching requirements, we should determine the topics, guide students to establish correct design ideas and design ideas, focus on training students' ability to solve practical problems by using the theoretical knowledge of relevant courses, and train students' ability to use materials and reference books;

  2. To master the contents and methods of design, and do a good job in the preparation of necessary materials, the first teacher as a guide should first try to make full preparation;

  3. In the process of guidance, students should be strictly required and trained to give full play to their initiative and creativity;

  4. At the end of design, assessment, scoring and summary shall be done well.

Article 11 graduation project (Thesis) is an important teaching link for colleges and universities to cultivate talents. The main responsibilities of the graduation project (Thesis) instructor are as follows:

  1. According to the requirements of talent training objectives, the title of graduation project (Thesis) shall be determined and submitted to the director of the Department (Teaching and Research Office), discipline group or the person in charge of the Research Institute for examination and approval. After selecting the topic, the students are responsible for formulating the graduation project (Thesis) assignment and the graduation project (Thesis) progress;

  2. One week before the commencement of graduation project (Thesis), check the preparation of students, understand whether the purpose, task and requirements of the design (Thesis) are clear, whether the working conditions are available, give guidance in time when finding problems, or report to the relevant departments and solve them in time;

  3. Carry out mid-term examination of graduation project (Thesis) work;

  4. In the process of graduation project (Thesis) work, we often know about the progress of students' Graduation Project (Thesis), check whether the time arrangement of students is reasonable, whether the method is appropriate, whether the drawings, experimental data and data processing are correct, whether the reference materials are complete, etc., and give specific guidance and help in time to ensure that students complete graduation project (Thesis) on time and smoothly);

  5. Carefully review and revise the graduation project (Thesis) of students, and fill in comments in time;

  6. Participate in the students' defense work, introduce the whole process of the students' Graduation Project (Thesis), and put forward suggestions for performance evaluation;

  7. Guide the students to write the abstract of excellent graduation project (Thesis), assist the academic affairs office and archives office in editing and printing the abstract of excellent graduation thesis;

  8. Summarize the teaching experience of graduation project (Thesis), improve the teaching work and improve the teaching quality.

Chapter III Basic requirements of main teaching activities

Article 12 preparation before class

  1. Teachers must carefully prepare lessons before class, according to the requirements of the syllabus, carefully study teaching materials, consult a large number of reference materials, reasonably organize teaching content, carefully write teaching plans or lecture notes, and the basic teaching documents must be complete and standardized.

  2. The teacher should fill in the teaching calendar according to the content and class hour distribution specified in the syllabus, and make specific arrangements and necessary explanations for the course schedule, assignments, tests, classroom discussions, experiments, etc. The teaching calendar shall be made in triplicate, one copy of which shall be kept by the teacher, one copy shall be sent to the relevant college, and one copy shall be kept by the Department (Teaching and Research Office) for future reference.

  3. The teaching plan or lecture notes should be supplemented and modified continuously in the teaching course. Under the premise of following the syllabus, teachers are encouraged to collect and accumulate the latest achievements and typical cases at home and abroad, and constantly supplement the teaching content.

  4. Teachers should understand the characteristics of students' major, the position of the course in the teaching plan, and the connection between the first course and the subsequent course before class.

  5. Before class, teachers should know about the students' situation, arrange the teaching content properly, choose the appropriate teaching methods and methods according to the students' learning basis and the specific situation of each chapter, and strive to achieve the optimal combination of teaching content and methods.

  6. It is advocated that the basic courses should be prepared collectively, and the basic requirements and progress of teaching should be unified. The courses with the same syllabus should generally be unified in proposition, examination and grading.

  7. New teachers should generally write more than six weeks of detailed lecture notes before class.

Article 13 classroom teaching

  1. Lectures are the main form of teaching process. Teachers should give full play to the leading role, carefully organize and carefully teach each class. The depth and breadth of the classroom teaching content should meet the requirements of the syllabus, implement the principle of less but better, pay attention to the teaching methods, pay attention to the cultivation of ability and good ideological and moral character, pay attention to the key points, deal with the difficulties, pay attention to individualized teaching, and strengthen the individual guidance for excellent students and poor students.

  2. At the beginning of the course, teachers should introduce themselves in an appropriate way to improve the contact and understanding between teachers and students. Besides briefly introducing the syllabus of the course, teachers should also explain in detail the proportion of homework, tests, assessment methods, mid-term and final examinations (as well as experiments) in the total score.

  3. Teachers should be clear and fluent in language, clear and standard in blackboard writing, and strive to be accurate, standardized, concise and vivid, with clear concepts, clear organization, strong logic and proper time allocation in class.

  4. Teachers should constantly summarize and improve teaching methods, combine the characteristics of the course, try to use heuristic, discussion, inquiry and other teaching methods, fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, avoid "cramming", pay attention to training students' scientific thinking methods, analysis and problem-solving ability and innovation awareness.

  5. Modern teaching methods such as multimedia should be adopted in classroom teaching.

  6. Teachers should strengthen classroom management, pay attention to maintaining classroom order, educate and urge students to abide by classroom discipline, assist students in attendance work, make records of students' absence and discipline violations, and timely criticize and educate students.

  7. Students are required to stand up and pay attention to each other in class.

Article 14 extra curricular guidance

  1. Extracurricular guidance is an important supplement to classroom teaching, which is a necessary teaching link to help students solve problems, improves learning methods, inspire students to think and implement individualized teaching.

  2. The focus of extra-curricular guidance is to cultivate students' ability to acquire and use knowledge and good learning habits, to guide students to read textbooks, reference books and literature materials in a planned and purposeful way, to guide students to master scientific learning methods and improve learning efficiency.

  3. Tutoring and answering questions generally conduct extracurricular tutoring. The tutoring and answering should be arranged in the extracurricular time on a regular basis. Generally, the course should be arranged once a week or once a week (2 class hours). The teacher should not be absent when answering questions. The teacher and the students should determine the specific time and place of answering questions, but they must be reported to the college for filing, and the answering situation should be recorded.

  4. The students who have difficulties in learning but do not take part in answering questions should be educated in the form of questioning.

Article 15 operation requirements

  1. According to the nature and requirements of the course, the teacher should arrange the corresponding homework (including extra-curricular homework, experiment (practice) report, curriculum design report, etc.) in time. The homework content should not only be closely related to the classroom teaching content, but also be conducive to strengthening the students' thinking training, improving the ability to analyze and solve problems.

  2. Teachers should correct their homework in a timely, serious and strict manner with quality and quantity guaranteed. The time for teachers to correct their homework each time should not exceed one week. In principle, all the homework must be corrected and registered. After the homework is corrected, it should be returned to the students in time, and the homework that does not meet the requirements should be returned to the students for rework. The problems in the homework should be recorded specially and included in the lesson preparation Notes.

  3. The director of the Department (Teaching and Research Office) shall spot check the students' homework in the middle and end of the period, understand the situation of the teacher's correcting homework in the Department (Teaching and Research Office), and put forward the evaluation grade opinion according to the teacher's teaching quality assessment and evaluation system of the college, as one of the contents of the teacher's teaching quality assessment and evaluation of the college.

  4. As the student's usual academic performance, homework is recorded in the total academic performance of the course according to the specified proportion.

Article 16 course assessment

The examination proposition should be based on the syllabus, and the examination paper review, score evaluation; examination organization and requirements must be implemented in accordance with the detailed rules for the implementation of the course assessment and management of Jiangnan University.

Article 17 experiment and Practice

For the basic requirements of experiment and practice, please refer to the relevant regulations, such as the code of students' experiment of Jiangnan University, the regulations on laboratory work of Jiangnan University, the regulations on the management of Undergraduate Practice Teaching of Jiangnan University, the regulations on the construction and management of teaching practice base of Jiangnan University, the regulations on the management of experimental teaching of Jiangnan University, and the regulations on the management of decentralized teaching practice outside Jiangnan University.

Article 18 course design and graduation project (Thesis)

  1. For the basic requirements of curriculum design, please refer to some regulations on curriculum design of Jiangnan University.

  2. For the basic requirements of graduation project (Thesis) work, please refer to the regulations of Jiangnan University on graduation project (Thesis) work.

Chapter IV discipline, assessment, rewards and punishments

Article 19 teaching discipline

  1. In order to ensure a good teaching order, the schedule that has been arranged will not be changed in general, and will not be changed within two weeks after the start of school. Teachers should adhere to the principle of obeying the school schedule when they go out for classes, attend classes or travel. When the teacher is absent from class due to illness, the Department (Teaching and Research Office) shall explain the situation, fill in the application form for transfer and suspension, and submit it to the Academic Affairs Office for approval upon the signature of the leaders of the college. In case of suspension, make-up must be arranged.

  2. Teachers must teach in strict accordance with the contents of the syllabus and the schedule of the teaching calendar. On the premise of ensuring the basic requirements of the syllabus, teachers can tell their own academic opinions and introduce different academic opinions. However, they should not tell the contents unrelated to the course content and course learning, and should not spread any ideas and opinions that violate the four basic principles, and should not increase or decrease the class hours at will.

Article 20 assessment of teaching work

The school has established a "leading group for assessment and evaluation of teaching quality of school teachers" with the Secretary of the Party committee and the president of the school as the team leader, the vice president (Deputy Secretary) in charge of teaching, personnel and academic work, and the heads of the school office, educational administration, personnel, academic work and other functional departments as members. The leading group is responsible for leading and organizing the teaching quality assessment of the whole school. Each college establishes a teaching quality assessment and evaluation working group with the dean as the team leader, two-level supervision, peer experts and college leaders as members, which is responsible for organizing the teaching quality assessment of all teachers in the college.

The assessment methods mainly include:

  1. Personal summary. Every year, teachers should summarize their teaching work and fill in the teacher work registration form of Jiangnan University. Personal summary must be practical and realistic. It is necessary to affirm the achievements and find out the gap.

  2. Organize assessment. The head of the Department (Teaching and Research Office) shall organize relevant personnel to carefully check the teacher's summary and put forward the assessment and evaluation of the teacher's teaching work in accordance with the opinions provided by the usual lectures, public opinion polls, head teachers and counselors, and with reference to the students' mastery of teaching evaluation and teaching inspection.

  3. The vice dean of teaching of the college shall carefully review the assessment comments on Teachers' teaching work and sign the opinions.

  4. The assessment of teachers' teaching quality includes three parts: Students' assessment of teaching, teachers' assessment of teaching and teaching managers' assessment of teaching.

Article 21 rewards and punishments

  1. In the teaching and education, teaching quality, teaching material construction, teaching reform, teaching management, etc. Teachers with outstanding achievements and full teaching tasks and good teaching results can be awarded corresponding honorary titles after being recommended by the college and evaluated by the school.

  2. The rewards are mainly spiritual encouragement, supplemented by material rewards. The specific methods are as follows: notification of praise, issuance of certificates, medals, prizes or bonuses.

  3. Teachers who have made outstanding achievements and made great contributions will be promoted and promoted in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state.

  4. All the behaviors such as stopping class, transferring class without permission or inviting others to take the place of class without permission, being late for class, leaving class in advance, failing to register or report examination results to relevant departments within the time limit, reducing class hours without approval, not seriously correcting homework (Experiment Report), careless or random assessment score, irresponsible invigilator, and leaking examination questions shall be punished as teaching accidents. The identification and handling of teaching accidents shall be carried out in accordance with the measures for the identification and handling of undergraduate teaching accidents of Jiangnan University.

  5. Teachers who evaluate teaching by students and whose peer evaluation reflects the poor teaching effect must be rectified within a time limit. Those who fail to meet the requirements shall be transferred from teaching posts.

Article 22 the professional assessment, reward and punishment of teachers shall be included in the professional files of the teachers themselves.

Chapter V supplementary provisions

Article 23 concurrent courses

  1. The external part-time teachers shall be examined and approved by the college and the academic affairs office before the commencement of the course. If necessary, the employing unit shall organize the trial lecture or class inspection. Once appointed, the teacher must strictly perform the duties of the main teacher.

  2. For the first time, a part-time teacher in the school who takes part in the planned teaching task must have a trial lecture in the school where the course is taught, complete teaching materials, syllabus and teaching plan, and obtain the approval of the school. After being approved by the leader of the unit and the school to which the course belongs, the teacher shall be reported to the human resources department and the academic affairs department for examination, and approved by the head of the school in charge. Once appointed, the teacher must organize teaching in strict accordance with this specification.

Article 24 the regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation and shall be interpreted by the academic affairs office. The former "norms for teachers' teaching in Jiangnan University" (Jiangnan University Office (2005) No. 39) shall be abolished at the same time.